Celina Byers, born in Brazil, has a BS in psychology from Pontifical Catholic University in São Paulo. For the first five years of her professional career she practiced clinical psychology. Becoming interested in computer technology, she expanded her technological skills through a series of courses and jobs, working for about 10 years as computer programmer, systems analyst, data processing center manager, and independent consultant.
She has been in the U.S. since 1993 and has obtained an MS in computer education and cognitive systems and a PhD in applied technology, training and development at the University of North Texas. She is an instructional designer with experience both in industry, where she designed and produced computer-based instruction, and in academia, where she teaches courses such as instructional design, Web design and development, and multimedia production. Currently she is an assistant professor in the Department of Human Resource Development in the School of Education and Human Services at Oakland University in Michigan.
Her research interests include effective uses of technology to enhance teaching and learning, interface design for Web environment and computer assisted instruction, interactive assessment (an assessment approach that she has been researching for the last three years), and professional development programs.
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